Now that the new site is complete, we can serve up new articles and free tutorials again. We have numerous things in the works for you and hope you will be pleased with the offerings. If you haven't previously perused our library please take a moment to see what you can find in our resources. Our new tutorials are announced through the Jewelry Makers and Bead Lovers Facebook page too.

The last blog entry told you about Bead Soup, a nice adventure put together by Lori Anderson that enabled duos of designers to share beads. Today, the first group, including Szarka, share the creations made from bead soup contents.
Others who are revealing their finished products today can be found at http://lorianderson-beadsoupblogparty.blogspot.com/2012/06/participants-of-6th-bead-soup-blog.html .

Don't forget to check mine out, too! I think you will be pleased to see what the designers simmered and served from their bead soup contents.
Szarka's soup partner, Tammy Jones, who has a great etsy shop Southern Baubelles challenged her with enough beads that she created three unique pieces of jewelry. I think the necklace, shown above left, has a nice vintage look to it. Good job Szarka! To see the bead soup Tammy sent and the soup Szarka sent her look below (or click above to see old blog posts, it was blogged about previously).
This month's Facebook Fan of the Month is Heather Otto who won free beads for being our number one fan. You can find out more about this give away at https://www.facebook.com/MagpieGemstones/app_118098318208381 and http://www.magpiegemstones.com/freebeads.html .
You can see some of Heather's unique jewelry, like this one, served up in "Mama's Craft Room", on the Facebook page she helps moderate and in her etsy shop and Craft Star Shop.
Heather has come onto the jewelry making scene with a flourish, she is a natural and pretty new to it too! We have really appreciated her energy and outlook in the groups that we are involved in online and off. Thanks for being such a great member of this community Heather!
We'll be serving up more information for you soon about upcoming shows and happenings.
Serving it up for you, we are Magpie Gemstones.
Karen Meador, PhD