January 7, 2012

Easy Does It!

I think for me the New Year can be exciting. It feels like a clean slate. For those that create or want to create I have some easy does it tips.

First, I have to admit sometimes I have an "all or nothing" attitude. Where does this lead me? Experience tells me that when it is "all" I am doing too much, trying to go too fast, spinning my wheels and usually burn out quickly.

Now I am not saying that hard work does not pay off eventually. Rather I am just saying that when I have a little patience in my work, and rely on that inner voice that gently guides me, things go a lot smoother. If your a beginner in your craft, or have been doing it for years you may have noticed this already.

Now how about my "nothing" attitude. Sure everyone gets a case of the I don't wannas. Or perhaps your muse ran off? Maybe your trying hard on a project and it is just not cooperating. Sometimes cussing at your design works, sometimes not. There is the walk away and try again tomorrow technique. Whatever the case may be, it is a natural part of creating to get discouraged. Here are some helpful tips on that.

Do not compare yourself to others, nothing kills my creativity more than this. Everyone has their own style, talent and niche. Find what you love, and what works for you. When I compare myself to others it is an excuse for the old broken records to play in my head. Maybe you have the same record? It says I am not good enough, I can not do this because fill in the blank with a variety of fears.

When I allow that voice to take control, I get filled with self doubt and self pity. Most days I choose to ignore the broken record, and feed my soul with the positive thoughts of creating. What a wonderful gift to give yourself- a place to grow, freedom from perfectionism, putting love into your art, and honoring your life and your talent.

It is important for me to not judge my work harshly, but slowly improve (baby steps are great for that). As we go into the new year we look forward to seeing your creations.

Much love and Light, Shannon from Vixens Natural Jewelry

1 comment:

  1. Great post, thanks so much for sharing. ^_^

